Welcome to Cyclops!

A Toolbox for Buyers and Sellers in the Recycled Plastics and Plastic Waste Industry


The CYCLOPS tool is a free, open-source platform for stakeholders of the recycled plastic industry – waste owners, recyclers and converters – aiming to enable the most economically viable and environmentally friendly decisions for the recycling of plastic waste and the uptake of recycled plastics. The tool contains different types of assessments for each stakeholder with results generated based on the users’ inputs, including:

  • Economic assessments
  • Environmental assessments
  • AI-enabled recommendations for quality specifications
  • Waste application recommendations
  • Design4Recycling recommendations

The tool was created under the BMBF - funded project ‘CYCLOPS’ - short for Circular Optimisation for Plastics which aims to enable more effective recycling and higher plastic recycling rates of secondary plastic material. The potential of plastic recycling and use of plastic reuse of recyclates in plastic manufacturing is still little exploited in practice, so that avoidable environmental pollution occurs and opportunities for resource conservation are not seized. Economically, non-implemented recycling means a loss of valuable material while ecologically, the incineration of plastic waste releases large quantities of CO2 and other harmful gasses into the air. The reuse of recyclates, on the other hand, promises to save additional fossil resources, since it can replace newly produced plastics.

The CYCLOPS project is being developed by the SKZ, the Wuppertal Institute, GreenDelta and cirplus, and is due to be completed in August 2023.


Results generated using the Cyclops assessment tool are meant for facilitating sales and procurement of the purchase and recycling of recycled plastic material and are not to be used for marketing purposes.